Monday, June 14, 2010

A Glimpse At Our New Away Kit

by Rachid

Well here it is. This is supposedly our new away kit for next season. I have to say I am really loving this. The choice of yellow and red currant looks classy and it's made even better by the trim around the sleeves and the pin stripes. I'm a big fan of this kit and I'll be getting one as soon as I can. Will you? Give me your thoughts on it in the comments section.

Check back tomorrow for a look at the new home kit. Until then, dust!


  1. Yeah it is pretty good.
    My favourite was the royal blue one but there are some negative vibes from that kit.

  2. You mean the one last season? Most of the negativity surrounding our kits are from the older Arsenal fans who are resolute in their belief that the club should remain an old fuddy duddy looking team. They need to wake up and realise we're in 2010 now and not 1971.

    Yeah dust, you know like when you leave in a car on a dirt road and you speed off?


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